» (2007) (with Mary Jo Hatch and Andrzej Kozminski) The three faces of leadership: Manager, artist, priest. (Translation to Chinese)
Economy & Management Publishing House.
» (1996)
organizacji i zarządzania. (Organization and management) Warszawa:
Wyzsza Szkola Przedsiebiorczosci i Zarzadzania, third edition 1999.
(2003) "Reflections of the Other: Images of women in the Polish business press." Human Resource Development International 6/ 3, p. 325 - 342.
(2001) (with Beata Glinka) „The budget as Logos: The rhetorics of the Polish press.” Organization 8/4, p. 647-682.
(2001) (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) “Four theatres: Moral discourses ion Polish management.” Management Learning 32/3, p. 321-344.
(2001) (with Mary Jo Hatch and Andrzej Koźmiński) “Theatre in management: An analysis of the modern play of management.” Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao 7/1, p. 7-26.
(2000) “A letter from the empty stage” (editorial) Studies in Cultures, Organizations, and Societies 6/1, p. 1-5.
(1999) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „Templates of ideas: The charm of storytelling in academic discourse.” Knowledge Transfer 2/1, p. 49-69.
(1999) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „The anthropology of the empty spaces.” Qualitative Sociology 22/1, p. 37-50.
(1998) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „Creativity out of chaos: Anarchy and organizing.” Human Resource Development International 1/4, p. 383-398.
(1997) „The Kitsch-Organization” Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies 3, p. 163-177.
(1997) „Personal performatives: Collecting poetical definitions of management.” Organization 4/3, p. 345-353.
(1996) (with Maciej Wicha) "The 'divided self' of the Polish state owned companies: Culture and environment." Organization Studies 17/1, p. 83-105.
(1995) (with Mirosław Proppe and Maciej Szatkowski) „Staging the new romantic hero in the old cynical theater” Journal of Organizational Behavior 16/6, p. 631-646.
(1995) "Kulturowy proces organizowania" Kultura Współczesna 1-2 (5-6), p. 68-74.
(1995) "Przedsiębiorstwo jako świątynia." Organizacja i kierowanie 1(79), p. 89-98.
(1995) (with Maciej Wicha) „Symbolism of communist manager roles: A study of scenarios.” Scandinavian Journal of Management 11/2, p. 139-158.
(1995) „Differing managerial responses to change in Poland.” Organization Studies 16/4, p. 673-697.
(1995) „The modern crusade: Missionaries of management come to Eastern Europe.” Management Learning 26/3, p. 331-352.
(1995) (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) "Four theatres: Norms and values in management." Polish Sociological Review 111 (3), p. 263-274.
(1995) (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) „O paradygmacie inaczej: Normy i wartości w zarządzaniu.” Organizacja i kierowanie 4/82, p. 3-19.
(1994) (with Krzysztof Obłój) "Polish privatization program: Action, symbolism and cultural barriers." Industrial & Environmental Crisis Quarterly 1994: 8/1, p. 7-21.
(1994) (with Mirosław Proppe and Maciej Szatkowski) "Beyond the social role: The case of Polish female professionals." Scandinavian Journal of Management 2 (10): 99-116.
(1994) (with Aleksander Chrostowski) „Strategia przedsiębiorstwa po epoce komunizmu.” Organizacja i Kierowanie 4 (78), p. 69 – 81.
(forthcoming) "Introduction: Mythologies of organizational everyday life." in: Monika Kostera (Ed.) Organizational Olympians: Heroes, heroines and villains of organizational myths, London: Palgrave, forthcoming.
(forthcoming) "Introduction: The mythologization of organization." In: Monika Kostera (Ed.) Organizational Epics and Sagas: Tales of organizations, London: Palgrave, forthcoming.
(forthcoming) "Reflections on myth and organizing." In: Monika Kostera (Ed.) Mythical inspirations for organizational realities, London: Palgrave, forthcoming.
(forthcoming) "Open Sesame or Pandora's Box? Concluding remarks on organizing, archetypes and the power of mythmaking." In: Monika Kostera (Ed.) Mythical inspirations for organizational realities, London: Palgrave, forthcoming.
(2007) "Wprowadzenie" (Organizational culture as subject of qualitative studies) in: (Edited book) Zarządzanie i rozwój. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania UW, p. 119-136.
(2007) (with Daniel Hjorth) "Introduction." In: Daniel Hjorth and Monika Kostera (Eds.) Entrepreneurship and the Experience Economy. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, p. 19-23.
(2007) "Kronos and Eros: Making sense of the experience economy." In: Daniel Hjorth and Monika Kostera (Eds.) Entrepreneurship and the Experience Economy. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, p. 283-293.
(2005) "Wstęp do polskiego wydania." (Introduction to the Polish edition) in: Sparkteam Korpolandia (Corporania).Gdańsk: GWP, p. 9-11.
(2004) "The Modern Crusade: Missionaries of management come to Eastern Europe." in: Christopher Grey and Elena P. Antonacopoulou (eds.) Essential readings in management learning. London: Sage, p. 343-364.
(2003) „Od aktywisty do bossa: Historia polskiego kierownika 1950-2000”
(From activist to boss: The story of the Polish manager 1950-2000.” In: Roch Sulima (ed.) Życie
codzienne Polaków na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. (The everyday life of the
Poles at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. Lomza: Stopka, p. 69-92.
(2003) "Męskie struktury – kobiece sieci: Od stereotypu do archetypu w
organizowaniu." (Male structures; female networks: From organizational
stereotypes to archetypes) in: Elżbieta Pakszys i Monika Baer (eds.) Obszary
kultur kobiecych w badaniach płci/ rodzaju. (Female cultures in gender
studies) Poznań: Wydawnictwo Humaniora, p. 159-170.
(with Mihaela Kelemen) “Introduction: Travelling in time and space on
the winds of the transition.” In: Mihaela Kelemen and Monika Kostera
(eds.) Managing the Transition: Critical Management Research in Eastern
Europe. Palgrave, p. 1-12.
(2002) “Control: Accounting for the lost innocence.” In: Mihaela Kelemen
and Monika Kostera (eds.) Managing the Transition: Critical Management
Research in Eastern Europe. Palgrave, p. 111-127.
(with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) “When reality fails: Science fiction and
the fall of communism in Poland.” In: Mihaela Kelemen and Monika Kostera
(eds.) Managing the Transition: Critical Management Research in Eastern
Europe. Palgrave, 217-238.
(2002) “Space and silence” in: Heather Höpfl and Monika Kostera
(eds) Interpreting the maternal organization. London-New York: Routledge,
p. 224-234.
(with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) "The Pope as organizing principle" in:
Barbara Czarniawska and Rolf Solli (eds) Organizing
metropolitan space and discourse.Malmo: Liber, p. 154-174.
(2001) "Zarządzać z wyobraźnią." In: Marek B. Kamiński (ed.) Tworzenie
organizacji. Warszawa: WSPiZ, p. 141-160.
(with Krzysztof Obłój) "The market as a mirror." in: Bogdan Wawrzyniak
(ed.) Report on management: Globalisation and change – ways to the
future. Warszawa: WSPiZ, p. 449-463.
(with Beata Glinka) “Nauka: od one best way do wielości?” in: Roman Kubicki (ed.) Filozoficzne konteksty rozumu transwersalnego:
Wokół koncepcji Wolfganga Welscha. Poznań: Humaniora, p. 79-90.
(1998) "Przedmowa." in: Antoni Ożyński My in oni w procesie restrukturyzacji: Studium przypadku pracy zespołowej w polskich warunkach. Warszawa: WSPiZ, p. 5-7.
(1997) „Ponowoczesne losy religii — udzial w dyskusji." In: Anna
Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.) O szansach i pułapkach ponowoczesnego świata:
Materiały z seminarium profesora Zygmunta Baumana w Instytucie Kultury. Warszawa:
Instytut Kultury, p. 163-164.
(with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) „Wartości i normy w zarządzaniu. Cztery
teatry.” in: Jerzy Dietl and Wojciech Gasparski (eds) Etyka
biznesu.Warszawa: PWN, p. 188-204.
(with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „Antropologia pustych przestrzeni.” in: Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.) Pisanie miasta – czytanie miasta. Poznan: Humaniora, p. 83-81.
(1996) „The manager’s new clothes: on identity transfer in post-1989
Poland.” in: Monica Lee, Hugo Letiche, Robert Crawshaw i Michael Thomas
(eds) Management
education in the new Europe: Issues of content and process. Management
Education in the New Europe. Thomson Business Press, p. 194-211.
(with Kristina Genell) „The flying university: institutional transformation
in Poland.” in: Monica Lee, Hugo Letiche, Robert Crawshaw i Michael
Thomas (ed.) Management
education in the new Europe: Issues of content and process. Management
Education in the New Europe. Thomson Business Press, p. 226-246.
(1995) „The Missionaries of Management come to Eastern Europe.” in: Birgit Müller (ed.) A la recherche des certitudes perdues... : Anthropologie du travail et des affaires dans une Europe en mutation. (seminar proceedings) Berlin: Centre Marc Bloch, p. 153-182.
(with Stanisław Kownacki and Adrian Szumski) "Kierowanie zachowaniami
organizacyjnymi." in: Andrzej K.Koźmiński and Włodzimierz Piotrowski
(eds) Zarządzanie:
Teoria i praktyka. Warszawa: PWN, p. 257-310, fourth altered edition
(with Stanisław Kownacki) "Zarządzanie potencjałem społecznym organizacji." in: Andrzej K.Koźmiński and Włodzimierz Piotrowski (eds) Zarządzanie:
Teoria i praktyka. Warszawa: PWN, p..311-364, fourth altered edition
(1994) "Zarządzanie międzynarodowe i międzykulturowe." in: Andrzej K.Koźmiński
and Włodzimierz Piotrowski (eds) Zarządzanie:
Teoria i praktyka. Warszawa: PWN p. 397-442, fourth altered edition
(2005) "Book review: Daniel Hjorth, Chris Steyaert, Narrative and discoursive approaches in entrepreneurship: A second movements in entrepreneurship book, Edward Edgar." Scandinavian Journal of Management 21, p. 473-481.
(2003) “Book review: Managing professional identities: Knowledge, performativity
and the ‘new’ professional, edited by M. Dent and S.Whitehead.
Routledge, 2002.” Gender, Work and Organization. 10/1, p. 120-125.
(2002) "Book review: Yiannis Gabriel: Storytelling in Organizations.”
Human Relations 55/6, p. 728-734.
(2000) "Book review: Krzysztof Konecki: Lowcy glow (The headhunters)" Human
Resource Development International 3-4, p. 499-504.
(2000) „Bogactwo z wiedzy: Review of Stefan Kwiatkowski: Przedsiebioczosc intelektualna:
Bogactwo z wiedzy.” Master of Business Administration 45/5,
s. 46-47.
(2000) “Review of Zoltán Antal-Mokos: Privatization, Politics, and Economic
Performance in Hungary” Organization Studies 20/6, p. 1065-1068.
(1999) “Jak pisac teksty naukowe? Review of Karen Golden-Biddle and Karen D.
Locke: Composing qualitative research”. Master of Business Administration
Journal .
(1999) “Odnawianie przedsiębiorstwa: Review of Bogdan Wawrzyniak Odnawianie
przedsiębiorstwa: na spotkanie XXI wieku”. Master of Business Administration
39/3, p. 46, 54.
(1999) “Myślenie obrazujące." Review of Gareth Morgan: Imaginization:
New mindsets for seeing, organizing, and managing.” Master of Business
Administration Journal 37/1, p. 48-49.
(1998) „Godne uwagi: Review of Barbara Czarniawska: Organisationsteori pa svenska.”
Master of Business Administration 35/5, p. 45-46.
(1997) „Book review: O ideach, które kształtuja drogę: Refleksje nad książką pod red. Barbary
Czarniawskiej i Guje Sevón: Translating Organizational Change," Organizacja i Kierowanie 2(88), p. 43-48.
(1994) „Book review: Burkard Sievers: Work, Death and Life itself.” Przegląd
(1993) „Book review: Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges: Exploring complex organizations.” Przegląd Organizacji.
(2008) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) "Empty spaces " paper presented at the Architecture and social architecture workshop, EIASM, Bruxelles.
(2008) (with Jerzy Kociatkieiwcz) "The narrative collage as research method". Paper presented at the Art of Management workshop, Essex University.
(2008) (with Dariusz Jemielniak) "Narratives of Irony and Failure in Ethnographic Work." Telling Tales,
Qualitative Research in Management and Organization Conference
Qualitative Research in Management and Organization Conference,
Albuquerque, USA
(2006) "After Kronos: Management in search of a new archetype" Paper presented at the Third Art of Management Conference (international conference), Kraków, Poland.
(2005) "Gender and Technology: Images of humans and computers in Polish press." Paper presented at CMS (international conference) Cambridge (UK).
(2004) "Experiencing the transition". Paper presented at EGOS (international conference) Ljubljana (Slovenia).
(2002) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) "Shadows of silence." EGOS (international conference) Barcelona (Spain).
(2001) "When spaces meet: Spirituality and organizing," (international conference) Spacing and Timing, Palermo (Italy).
(2001) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) Inhuman relations: Teaching Polish students how to manage human resources. Personnel, Organization, Poststructuralism, (international conference) Innsbruck (Austria).
(1999) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) The Pope as organizing principle. Managing the Big City II, (international conference) Göteborg (Sweden).
(1999) "The cultural context of organizing: Social understandings of control." Report of Management Conference, (international) Warszawa (Poland).
(1999) (with Mary Jo Hatch and Andrzej Kozminski) The master manager: Myths from the West. Critical Management Conference (international), Manchester (UK).
(1999) Tales of organizing, love and hate. Aesthetics II (international), Bolton (UK).
(1998) "Przywództwo a zmiana kulturowa: Jak robić rzeczy niemożliwe?" Krytyczna Teoria Organizacji (national conference), LKAEM, Warszawa (Poland).
(1997) "Prakseologia a neopragmatyzm: Dwa dysursy o etyce i działaniu." Krytyczna Teoria Organizacji (national conference), LKAEM, Warszawa (Poland).
(1997) "Control: Accounting for the lost innocence." Euroconference: Mapping Diversity in Practices and Theories of Managerial Control. (international conference) Palermo (Italy).
(1997) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, Dariusz Jasiński, Dariusz Jemielniak, and Yga Kostrzewa) "Warsaw indefinite: The poetics of the city." Managing Big City (international conference), Gothenburg (Sweden).
(1997) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „The anthropology of empty spaces.” (international conference) The Emtpy Space, SCOS Warsaw (Poland).
(1997) (with Dariusz Jasiński) „The roleplaying system: Organizations as conversational realities.” (international conference) The Emtpy Space, SCOS Warszawa (Poland).
(1997) (with Krzysztof Bernady and Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „The anthropology of chaos: Anarchy and organizing” (international conference) The Emtpy Space, SCOS Warszawa (Poland).
(1997) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „The clarity of darkness: Experiencing gothic anthropology” Organizations After Dark? (international conference) Bolton (UK).
(1997) (with Dariusz Jemielniak and Marta Kuszewska) „Darkness organized” Organizations After Dark? (international conference) Bolton (UK).
(1996) „Things falling down: Deconstruction happening at Warsaw University.” Symbols of Oppression (international conference), Bolton (UK).
(1996) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „Templates of ideas: On the translation of ideas into paper (and back again).” Translations (international conference), Malahide (Ireland).
(1996) (with Beata Glinka) „Entransed: Translating the idea of translation.” Translations (international conference), Malahide (Ireland).
(1996) (with Dariusz Jasiński) „Ads Fantastic: A misreading.” Translations (international conference), Malahide (Ireland).
(1996) (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) „Paradygmat zarządzania.” (national conference) Warszawa (Poland).
(1996) (with Krzysztof Bernady, Dariusz Jasiński, Beata Glinka, Przemyslaw Hensel, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, Tomasz Ludwicki and Adrian Szumski) „Medium and misreading: The Polish presidential campaign as not intended to be read.” (international conference) SCOS Los Angleles (USA).
(1996) (with Beata Glinka) „Against medium: Economic education as medium for the framing of imagination.” (international conference) SCOS Los Angeles (USA).
(1996) (with Andrzej K.Koźmiński) „Four theaters: The norms and values of Polish management.” (international conference) SCOS Los Angeles (USA).
(1995) „The Polish culture of organising: Continuity and change.” in: Transformations in managing organisations in Central and Eastern European Countries. (conference proceedings; national conference), Warszawa: Poltext, p. 175-188.
(1995) "From 'cadres' to 'resources': Development of HRM in Poland." Human Resource Management (national conference), Warszawa (Poland).
(1995) "The time of Janus: On managerial responses to change in Poland." Conference on Transformation of East European Enterprises (international conference), Chemnitz (Germany).
(1995) "The manager's new clothes: The transfer of identity in Poland after 1989." EMOT Workshop (international workshop), Cambridge (UK).
(1995) "The Kitsch-Organization" Organizational Aesthetics (international conference), Bolton (UK).
(1995) " The manager's new clothes: The transfer of identity in Poland after 1989." (international conference) SCOS Turku (Finland).
(1995) (with Kristina Genell) "The Flying University: An ambiguous heritage of the Polish education system" (international conference) SCOS Turku (Finland).
(1994) (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) "Four theaters: Norms and values in management." Ethics in Business (national conference), Lodz (Poland).
(1992) "Polish management education Action program." (panel participant) Modernizing Management Development in Poland (national conference), Warszawa (Poland).
(1991) (with Krzysztof Obłój) "Polish privatization program: Remarks on actoion, symbolism and cultural barriers". (international conference) Valhalla Conference (SCOS), Copenhagen (Denmark).
(1988) (with Andrzej Mroczkowski and Krzysztof Obłój) "A comparative study of social understandings of management concepts in the USA and Poland". 14th Annual Meeting of EIBA (international conference), Berlin (Germany).
(1983) Hemsprakslarare och
deras elever (Teachers of native languages and their pupils). C-uppstats
(university diploma work), Lund: Lunds universitet.
Nowa fala w zarządzaniu. (The New Wace in management). master's thesis,
Warszawa: School of Management, Warsaw University.
Szwedzki styl zarządzania: Przejawy, uwarunkowania, kierunki rozwoju.
(The Swedish style of management: Characteristics, conditions, directions
for development). doctoral thesis, Warszawa: School of Management, Warsaw
Professional publications and publications in professional non-refereed journals
(with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) "Art and organizing: Lessons for organization
theory from the humanities" Master of Business Administration 50/3,
p. 24-28.
(1999) (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) „The clarity of darkness: Experiencing gothic anthropology” Noteworks, May, p. 23-33.
(with Beata Glinka) „Przełożyć przekład.” FA-art 33/3,
p. 25-29.
(1998) „G jak Globalizacja.” Master of Business Administration 3/32,
s. 18-19.
(1998) „Przywództwo a zmiana kulturowa: Jak robić rzeczy niemożliwe?”
Master of Business Administration 2/32, s. 30-33.
(with Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges) "Teoria organizacji w obrazkach: Organizacja
- maszyna; Organizacja - organizm." Przegląd Organizacji (non-refereed
academic journal) 9, p. 8-11.
(with Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges) "Teoria organizacji w obrazkach: Organizacja
- system polityczny; Organizacja - narzędzie władzy." Przegląd Organizacji
10, p.10-12.
(with Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges) "Teoria organizacji w obrazkach: Organizacja
- mózg; Organizacja - więzienie psychiczne." Przegląd Organizacji
11, p. 10-12.
(with Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges) "Teoria organizacji w obrazkach: Organizacja
- kultura; Organizacja - teatr." Przegląd Organizacji 12, p.
(with Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges) "Teoria organizacji w obrazkach: Organizacja
- struktura dyssypatywna." Przegląd Organizacji 1, p. 9-10.
(with Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges) "Teoria organizacji w obrazkach: Organizacja
- tekst; Organizacja - świątynia." Przegląd Organizacji 2, p.
(1995) (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński) "Cztery teatry: Normy i wartości w zarządzaniu." Przegląd Organizacji
5, p. 10-13.
(1994) (with Maciej Wicha) "Ponad
blokami: Organizacja i otoczenie." Przegląd Organizacji 2 p.
(1994) "Wiedza po modernizmie."
Przegląd Organizacji 6: 24-25.
(1994) "O nazywaniu rzeczy."
Przegląd Organizacji 11, p.12-14.
(1993) "Strategiczne zarządzanie
potencjałem społecznym." Przegląd Organizacji 1, p. 25 28.
(1993) (with Aleksander Chrostowski) "Strategia partii politycznych." Przegląd Organizacji 2,
p. 5 7 .
(1993) "Role społeczne menedżera."
Przegląd Organizacji 7, p.10 11.
(1993) "Kształcenie menedżerów."
Rzeczpospolita 7/3351, p. 2.
(1993) (with Aleksander Chrostowski) "Styl zarządzania." Rzeczpospolita - kobieta interesu 21/3365,
p. VI.
(1993) "Po komunizmie i
kapitalizmie." Przegląd Organizacji 8, p.7 9.